Séance de travail chef de service Sénégal


Bureau Veritas in Senegal meets economic players

Dez. 9 2020

Marc ROUSSEL, President GSIT (Government Services & International Trade) and Senior Vice-President Africa at Bureau, was able to meet various local economic players during his visit to Senegal.

On this occasion, he spoke with various representatives of French companies about the strategies implemented by Bureau Veritas to protect its employees by reducing the risks related to the spread of Covid-19 while responding to customer demand through innovative solutions such as remote inspections.

During a working session with Bureau Veritas managers, Marc ROUSSEL discussed the measures put in place to handle the Group's absolutes. In the evening, a cocktail reception was organized during which employees were distinguished for their commitment to the company.

Marc ROUSSEL also visited the Automobile Technical Control Center (CCTVA) as well as sites located at the Autonomous Port of Dakar where Bureau Veritas is involved in inspection operations of imported vehicles as well as rice loading.

Visite centre technique Senegal

Visite nocture chantier Senegal Visite Marc Roussel

During these visits, Marc ROUSSEL insisted on the importance of respecting the safety of employees in all circumstances.